Audi Carbon Clean

audi a5 cleaned

This lovely low mileage Audi A5 3.0TDI came in to us for a data logging health check due to our customer recently purchasing the car.

The car had previously been remapped so we had a look to make sure everything was up to scratch and we were impressed so there was no need for us to touch it.

We then carried out our Energy Carbon Clean that uses our hydrogen based carbon clean via the intake combined with JLM Extreme clean in the fuel tank to give the car a detox and restore any lost MPG????

We recommend carbon cleaning and good in tank additives as a preventative maintenance to keep carbon at bay.

Our customer and good friend Barry Shell reported a smoother drive and improved MPG on his drive back up to Berwick.

Call 01670 818 914 for all remapping, tuning boxes, carbon cleaning or DPF repairs.
